Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back to School Shopping

First, I have to say to chain stores like Walmart and Target: Would you PLEASE stop stocking your racks and shelves a season ahead?

What ever happened to the days when back-to-school shopping was done at the end of August, just before, oh, I don't know, when school started? This year I started seeing school supplies the first week of August. My son hadn't even finished summer school; who the hell was thinking about September? We were just getting into the swing of summer!

Anyway, we went and did our supply shopping today because Gus goes back next week. It went well for the most part, but it was also frustrating. I've got pants, sneakers, supplies and even boots for the kids. Why, can someone tell me, can I not find long-sleeved t-shirts? I even found sweaters for MM, but no shirts. Two stores! I found one shirt for MM and one button-down for Gus. But boots and sweaters. I just don't get it.

Don't even get me started on the lunchboxes.

And, I'm sad to say I'll have to make yet another trip because my kids still have no shirts. But I'm guessing by then the winter coats and things will be out. Maybe that was part of the plan. Put half the stuff you need out in the summer, then make you come back in early September to buy the rest at which time you get sucked into preparing for the snowstorm that won't be coming for three months.

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