Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You Know It Will Be An Interesting Day When...

1. You wake up in the middle of the previous night from a nightmare about a plane having to make an emergency landing. Oddly, only the back part of the plane, where you are sitting, is effected but the plane being tossed end over end.

2. Your comes screaming into your room at 3:30 a.m.

3. After getting him back to sleep, your son comes and tramples you when the alarm goes off at 5:30.

4. The downstairs toilet - the one that the family uses most often in the mornings - completely overflows.

5. Your DH forgets his wallet and then has to come home to get it, making him late for his train.

6. Your boss was supposed to take you out for breakfast, but forgot, so you end up going with her to walk her dogs instead.

Hm...this was all before noon. Would I be stupid to even think about leaving the house this afternoon?

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