Wednesday, October 24, 2007

That Time of Year Again

I'm actually a little late this year, but I've started gathering my materials for my marathon of gift making for the holidays. It's an odd phenomena that happens to me every year. Some time toward the end of every summer or the beginning of fall, I somehow stumble across a new craft or a new level of a craft that I'm already involved with. The past few years, I've been developing my picture DVD making. I had planned to learn more about video making for this year's batch of family gifts, but then I got sidetracked.

So, my new fun thing is felting. A friend introduced me to the process and I'm so excited! I've already made a door sign for my son and a purse for my daughter. These are by no means extraordinary or magnificent things, but for first tries, I'm pretty pleased. I also tried felting a crocheted witches hat which I plopped on the pumpkin in my window. And par for my course, the inspirations hit (with some brainstorming help from said friend).

I think that if this batch of gift - scarves, neck gaiters, purses and barbecue mitts (those will be the most challenging) - work out well, I may restock and reopen my shop under Craftybear. If I do, I'll add the link to my list. I think I shall take some pics and post them here as well. I'm pretty psyched about the possibilities!

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